What takes 30 seconds and benefits LHB Scholarships?

Sign up for AmazonSmile!

At no cost to you, Amazon will contribute 0.5% of your Amazon purchases to scholarships for LHB
students. Signing up is free and only takes 30 seconds.

This is especially important to remember through the holiday shopping season!

Follow the instructions below to take advantage of Amazon’s charitable contributions for LHB Scholarships.

On your browser/website:

  1. Go to smile.amazon.com and sign into your Amazon account.
  2. If this is your first visit to smile.amazon.com, follow prompts to choose a charity. Start typing
    “Longhorn Alumni Band Charitable Fund” and then click SELECT.
  3. If you have a different charity already selected, click on “Supporting:” in the upper left menu and
    then click on the “Change Charity” button. Start typing “Longhorn Alumni Band Charitable Fund” and
    then click SELECT.
  4. VERY IMPORTANT: Every time you shop on Amazon, start at smile.amazon.com. LHB will only
    receive contributions if you start at smile.amazon.com so bookmark the URL. It looks the same as
    amazon.com and contains the same shopping cart. If you forget to sign in to AmazonSmile and add to
    your cart while at amazon.com, you can switch to smile.amazon.com to check-out and your cart will be
    the same. AmazonSmile will track all purchases and send a check to the Longhorn Alumni Band
    Charitable Fund each quarter.

On your Amazon Mobile App:

  1. Go to “Settings” and tap on “Amazon Smile”
  2. Follow prompts to choose a charity. Start typing “Longhorn Alumni Band Charitable Fund” and
    then click SELECT.
  3. Shop on the Amazon Shopping app as you normally do. Twice a year it will prompt you to re-
    select “Longhorn Alumni Band Charitable Fund” as your charity.

If you have any questions, email LHABSmile@gmail.com.

Thank you and Hook ‘em!
– Cathy Sorsby and the fabulous AmazonSmile Committee